Matanya’s Hope Official Mission 2018 T-Shirt is Here
Order your official Matanya’s Hope TShirt today $15 Plus $7.95 shipping – for delivery in the USA. (No additional charge to deliver to your student in Kenya) This summer, seven students from Troy University will be traveling with Matanya’s Hope during the month of June. They will be visiting with

Homelessness is Not an Option
Help Matanya’s Hope Provide a Home for Kenya’s Orphaned & Needy Children during this pandemic. Your support helps us meet the needs of hungry, scared children every day. We are delivering food to sustain the hungry and special hygiene stations to protect at risk communities during this Covid 19 Pandemic.
Help Matanya’s Hope Respond. Provide. Prevent.
Mr. Rogers said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” Matanya’s Hope is launching a drive to help provide free wash stations and masks to protect some
I Hid My Face and Cried
On my morning drive, I pass more than 5 preschools, each one colorful and set on tending to someone’s precious developing child. I can choose from a variety of television and radio stations, each designed to enhance a child’s sensory, emotional, cultural and academic development. Children gather together to learn
When “No” is Not an Option
A New Porridge Program is Met with Success While Hunger Remains After successfully feeding 200 at risk youth today, our celebration was challenged when we found four children huddled together, digging out of dirty, bacteria laden buckets filled with trash, for something to eat. Benjamin and his siblings Simon, Mercy
From Our Student’s Perspective
This year I was able to spend time with the Matanya’s Hope Mission team. I saw beyond what Matanya’s Hope does for me alone. I now realize that this mission was spearheaded to break the cycle of poverty by saving and changing many more young innocent souls than whose names